National Guard Troops Now Being Used To “Troll” GOP Members Of Congress

Guam’s Democrat Delegate to Congress (non-voting member) Michael San Nicolas decided he wanted to troll Georgia GOP Rep. Marjoie Taylor Greene after she previously incorrectly referred to the territory as a foreign land.

In a speech at CPAC, Greene said, “We believe our hard-earned tax dollars should just go for America. Not for, what? China, Russia, the Middle East, Guam, whatever, wherever.”

So San Nicolas got uniformed members of Guam’s National Guard to escort him to Greene’s office in an effort to “own” her for the error.

Greene wasn't in the office at the time, but a staffer came out and greeted members of the Guam National Guard and thanked them for their service. 

Could you imagine a Republican Congressman along with members of the National Guard showing up at Pelosi’s office to troll her.

Allahpundit at wonders why uniformed members of the National Guard are being used in a political stunt.

He writes that it’s obvious that San Nicolas stunt was an attempt to embarrass Greene:

“by confronting her on camera in what was obviously a stunt orchestrated for...the Democrats’ political benefit. They wanted some footage of Greene looking sheepish and maybe having to answer some embarrassing questions and so they brought in the Guard as props to heighten the embarrassment — again, in uniform, knowing that soldiers aren’t supposed to engage in political activity when they’re not in civilian attire.
I assume these troops were at the Capitol to begin with because they’re stationed there as part of the security effort after January 6. Did San Nicolas pull them off duty to make this stunt happen? If not, what was the process by which he convinced uniformed Guardsmen to join him for a visit to a congresswoman’s office for the purpose of humiliating her? Did their C.O. order them to accompany him? We deserve some answers on how this happened. As others have pointed out, if Ted Cruz had marched over to, say, AOC’s office with members of the Texas National Guard in tow hoping to embarrass her somehow, the media would be awash in hot takes today about violent intimidation and improper political use of the military.”

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