GOP Sen: Biden Is Implementing AOC’s Green New Deal Though Executive Order

Wyoming Republican Sen. John Barrasso blasted Biden for imposing his new energy agenda through executive order.

Barrasso, a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, said that Biden:

“...picked up his pen, and he drew a target on the back of American energy, and then he pulled the trigger. He killed the Keystone XL pipeline, and he’s killing energy jobs all around the country by stopping additional leasing for oil, gas, coal, all around America. That’s maybe coming up to 30,000 jobs in Wyoming.
What we’re seeing here is the Green New Deal basically dressed up in executive orders.”

On the Paris Climate Accord, Barrasso points out that Biden & the Democrats:

“...have gone back to the blame America first approach. The reason we want a strong energy economy in America is it’s jobs. It’s affordable energy, and because it’s of our own national security. Energy security is national security, and the money that comes from this, it goes for roads and bridges and schools.
Even Democrats, a number of Democrats in the House from Texas are opposed to what the President is doing with Executive Orders. And they are talking about a million jobs being lost in our country because of this approach, this far-left radical approach that the president is taking on energy.”

Sen. John Barrasso is right, so far four Texas Democrats have come out against Biden’s executive order halting oil and gas leasing on federal lands.

Houston Rep. Lizzie Fletcher along with McAllen’s Rep Vicente Gonzalez, Laredo’s Henry Cuellar and Marc Veasey of Fort Worth wrote in a letter that:

“now is not the time to jeopardize American jobs, or the critical tax and royalty revenues that federal leases generate for local, state, and federal government that need funds now.Instead, we should invest in our nation’s infrastructure and create the jobs that will help our nation emerge stronger after this pandemic.”

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