AG Barr: Lockdowns “Greatest Intrusion On Civil Liberties” Since Slavery

Speaking at Hillsdale College's Constitution Day event in DC, Attorney General Bill Barr discussed the COVID lockdowns imposed by state governments.

He said:

“And a lot of what they do is they treat free citizens as babies that can't take responsibility for themselves and others. So I was saying, well, one, you know, we have to give businesspeople an opportunity. Tell them which rule of masks you have this month. Tell the business people what the rules are, and then let them try to adapt their business to that. Then you'll have ingenuity and people will at least have the freedom to try to earn a living. But putting a national lockdown, stay at home orders, is like house arrest. Other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.”

Of course, the corrupt media is spinning Barr’s comments in a very disingenuous manner.

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