Hear Me Roar: Conservative Women Reject Liberal Narrative

If you believe the mainstream media, conservative women are going the way of dinosaur and the dodo bird. A recent New York Times editorial ominously entitled "Republican Women Are In Crisis" claims conservative women are on the verge of extinction in the era of Donald Trump, calling their future political prospects "very bleak indeed."

At least one conservative woman in Texas is pushing back. Ellen Troxclair, a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation, wrote a response to the NYT editorial in which she counters the Times' arguments about Republican women. "This made me mad," Troxclair tells KTRH. "As a conservative woman, I know many other Republican women who are really tired of the left claiming to speak for all women, and pretending, or maybe wishfully thinking, that we are becoming extinct."

Troxclair argues the Times' column relies on the false notion pushed by the liberal media that the left solely represents women. "You have these organizations like the Women's March who claim to speak for all women in their very title, and yet of course they don't," she says. "If you are a woman who supports life, who supports the Second Amendment, who supports the president, then your opinion is not deemed worthwhile, and they want to tell you that you're becoming extinct as a way to silence you."

Far from dying off politically, conservative women are actually as active in politics as ever. And contrary to another liberal media narrative, many women do in fact support President Trump. "In Texas alone, we have more than two times the number of Republican women running for Congress now than we did at this time in the last election cycle," says Troxclair. "So I think that frustration is being channeled into action, and we're going to continue to see more and more (conservative) women speak up and speak out."

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