Beto Lies About Texans: Claims We All Want To Give Up Our AR-15s

Beto claims that everywhere he goes across the state, Texan who own AR-15s are telling him that they want to give them up.

On MSNBC, he said “Texans who own AR-15s, they’ve told me, 'I don’t need this. I don’t need it to hunt, I don’t need it to protect myself…if giving this back, or cutting it to pieces, or selling it to the gov helps to keep us safer, then by all means do it’”

The Daily Wire’s Amanda Prestigiacomo reports that Beto made a similar claim that was reported by the Texas Tribune.In that story, Beto claimed that a "longtime Republican" spoke to him in the bathroom while they were peeing & told him that he’s all in for the gun confiscation.

Patrick Svitek reported that Beto claims that a longtime Republican chatted him up today in [Buc-ee's Beaver] bathroom...He said, 'This is gonna be strange — not strange that I'm talking to you while we're both at a urinal ... but strange because I'm telling you you're absolutely right on guns.'"

The Blaze's Jason Howerton is more spot on with how most Texans actually feel.

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