Hillary Reduced To Sitting At Replica Oval Office Desk For Art Exhibit

More than 60,000 pages of emails were printed out and assembled in large stacks on a mock presidential resolute desk for the exhibit, which was held at the Venetian Teatro Italia in Venice.

The exhibit, titled “HILLARY: The Hillary Clinton Emails,” was created by artist Kenneth Goldsmith.

Hillary told reports that the exhibition “is further proof that nothing wrong or controversial can be found on these emails.” 

Goldsmith says “the exhibition is a way to allude to an alternative world that will never exist...The exhibition is indeed the portrait of a powerful woman, but also the portrait of a historical change in our understanding of notions such as transparency, propaganda, public and private space.”

This has to be one of the most pathetically things a loser presidential candidate has ever done & it’s so delightful to see.

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