Admiral Stockdale: American Hero

With the passing of Ross Perot, I went back to do some reading on the ’92 election. I remembered Admiral Stockdale. Admiral Stockdale was Ross Perot’s vice presidential candidate in ’92. Perot had said he’d replace him by the election, but never did. Then, only a week before the vice-presidential debates, Stockdale finds out that he has to debate Al Gore and Dan Quayle, both former senators with years of practice and many briefings. Stockdale’s hearing aid was off at one point, and the media ridiculed him for it. A war hero, wounded by his time in captivity by the cruelty of the communist North Vietnamese. Ridiculed. On national tv. Ugly. 

Dennis Miller got very serious in the middle of a comedy set to try to clear the record. It’s not safe to be played aloud if profanity is going to bother others around you. But it is right on point.  

Admiral Stockdale’s legacy is incredible. The man was one of the great heroes of the Vietnam War, including 7 years as a POW. His story and sacrifice needs to be told, properly. Look him up on the Wikipedia and see for yourself:

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