Surely you knew this was coming?  From the moment Bevo, the Texas mascot steer, lowered his horns and took a plunge toward the Georgia Bulldog Uga… you could anticipate the outcry from the other thans….that is those not from Texas, not from Georgia, not present in reality folk….like PETA.

Yes, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says sports teams should cease having live mascots….and certainly not at games where the stress is too much.  PETA also decries horse drawn carriages, medical testing, fur coats, meat in diets…..well you know. 

We polled our listeners on the PETA demand….97% of you brushed it off.  Facebook followers laughed.  A longhorn steer shaking his horns and moving toward a bulldog in a red sweater is not a big deal to most Texans after all.

POLL: PETA Calls For End Of Live Mascots - Should It Change?

But what really drew the greatest response….what’s in a name like Uga, anyway?  HINT…UGA...University of Georgia.

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