The Closure Of Sixth Street In Kemah Continues, No Ruling Today

Some local business owners in Kemah were hoping that today would be the day that a Galveston County District judge would issue an injunction that would re-open Sixth street.

But it didn't happen because of a scheduling conflict, and so Sixth street in Kemah continues to be blocked off until the judge resumes the hearing, possibly later this week.

"The judge today had to recess the hearing" said Holly Hansen, reporter with The Texan, "They will work to reschedule as soon as possible to determine whether or not he will issue that injunction forcing the city to leave the street open."

The Kemah City Council voted to close the street back in March, and local business owners having fighting to get it re-opened ever since.

"One business owner said that his sales are down about $13,000 each week since the city has closed the street" Hansen told KTRH, "On the other side, the city is arguing that they have not actually closed the street, they've only restricted access to vehicles."

The local business owners believe that the law is on their side, and that ultimately they will prevail. But in the meantime, they will await the rescheduling from the judge, who wants to continue to hear arguments.

"If the judge issues an injunction, then the street remains open until they go to trial" noted Hansen, "But if he declines to issue the injunction, it's probably a signal from the judge that he will agree to dismiss the case. Following that we could see an appeal."

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