One to two million noncitizen voters could sway the swing states

The Democrat strategy for the last 16 years or so has been fairly simple. Open the borders and allow in millions of illegal immigrants to give you another branch of voting base. As even lifelong liberals begin seeing through the Left's facade, they need this new base now more than ever. We have talked for years now about noncitizens voting, and it caused a stir yet again in the last presidential election. Once again, it is a problem, and bigger than in previous years.

A study from the Daily Caller finds that between one and almost three million noncitizens could be voting in key battleground states this November. That includes states like Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. Of those, Georgia has the highest number of adult noncitizens at about 787,000, according to the Center for Immigration Studies.

It once again sets the stage for Democrats to try and influence an election in nefarious ways. Fred Lucas of the Daily Caller says this could have some big impacts.

"Not all of them will vote...but if these states knew the percentages of noncitizen voters on their voter rolls, they could remove them...but they don't," he says.

Texas has taken the charge in scrubbing thousands of noncitizens from its voter rolls, but other states have yet to follow in their footsteps.

But why not scrub all these illegal voters from the rolls? Well, that is because the Democrats simply do not want that.

"About 81 percent of noncitizens vote Democrat....there are things that can be done, but there is not a political will to do it," he says.

As mentioned, this is the Left's new base: illegal immigrants, promised by the party to be put up in nice hotels and housed with taxpayer dollars. It has worked for them in the past. Hundreds of thousands of noncitizens voted for Obama in 2008. There is no reason to take them away now.

But as we know too, especially with new numbers released by ICE, there have been many got-a-ways at the border in recent years. Meaning, there are thousands of illegal aliens in the country that officials have no idea exist. They have no blockade against them in getting access to vote either. Especially with recent plans, like in Harris County, to send out voter registration cards to illegal immigrants.

So, when the dust settles in November, there could be an even higher number of noncitizen voters than we imagine.

"If you add up the noncitizen voters in the battleground states adds up to over three million...the one to two million projection is just looking nationally," he says.

The House, and states like Arizona, have recently tried pushing through a requirement to make a valid ID be presented in order to vote. You know, a logical plan to ensure that only Americans are voting in our elections. But that has been shot down by Democrats and even some Republicans on Capitol Hill.

But as we have learned with American politics, logic and common sense is fleeting and nonexistent.

Photo: BackyardProduction / iStock / Getty Images

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