The Liberal Media Is Already Laying The Groundwork To Steal The Election

With 47 days to go now until election day, it appears as though the liberal 'mainstream' media is already laying the groundwork for Democrats to steal the election.

"I think they're sensitizing people to what I think is going to be the most fraudulent election in American history" said Jay Valentine, with Omega 4 America.

It's starting to feel like 2020 all over again, only it's not.

"This time people are going to see it, people are going to have their nose rubbed in it" Valentine told KTRH, "And the question I think we're all going to have to ask ourselves is, if Americans don't believe this election was fair and honest, and the government is thus illegitimate, what happens next? I don't have the answer to that."

And according to the leftist New York Times, we should not expect to know who won the all-important presidential race on election night, because it's going to take a while. Last time around in 2020, election results were not determined until 4 days after Election Day.

The NYT says the hold-up is going to be due to "intense scrutiny of mail-in ballots".

Photo: Justin Sullivan / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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