Having 'Obamacare' Coverage Doesn't Mean Having Access To Care

Remember when 'Obamacare' was going to be the greatest policy passed ever? Sadly, now 14 years later, the 'Affordable Care Act' is not affordable.

"A paper insurance card that no doctor is willing to accept, or that you can't afford to use, doesn't provide you with health care" said Rob Henneke, executive director with the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

The reality is, have health care coverage does not mean having access to health care. And remember that great line from the tv adds, "you can even keep your own doctor"? That has since been removed from the 'Obamacare' website.

"We were lied to, to get this massive big insurance company bailout, 3 steps removed from socialized medicine mandate forced on to the American people" Henneke told KTRH.

According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, 214,000 doctors have opted out of the ACA.

"Access to healthcare has decreased, and costs have increased not just in premiums, but also in the prevalence of high deductible plans that really require most Americans to just be cash payers and still have to pay for expensive health insurance" noted Henneke.

The average 'Obamacare' policy now costs over $500 a month, and that does not include the high deductible that has to be met before anything is paid for or covered.

Photo: MCCAIG / E+ / Getty Images

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