Trump Surges Past Kamala Harris In Polls

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Kamala Harris has enjoyed consistent positive press coverage and a significant jump in the polls since taking over for Biden, but that might be coming to an end soon. Harris' lead over Trump in the polls is starting to dwindle rapidly.

Trump is now ahead according to a new New York Times / Siena poll.

GOP strategist Chris Johnson with the College Republicans told KTRH, "What we're seeing is the end of the honeymoon period, and the lack of a convention bounce. You know, the idea that a Democratic convention full of energy and excitement would give a boost in the polls... those may have just been mirages."

Johnson says it's clear that the media can't single-handedly carry Harris to victory as she'd hoped. He said, "We just live in a totally different media environment than the last few elections. Mainstream media has limited impact, limited reach for average Americans, and they also have limited credibility."

Johnson added that, at this point, a strong performance from Trump could effectively win him the election.

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