Harris County Ranks #1 In Public School Students Leaving For Homeschool

New DATA shows that 50,000 Texas public school students are withdrawing to homeschool each year. Harris County is #1 in the state, with 4,750 switching in the 2022-23 school year.

"It's probably way more than that" said education expert, Jean Burk, "As a homeschool conference speaker, we are getting inundated with so many new homeschooler's, people that have never done it before. And not just starting them in kindergarten, just pulling them out left and right."

But could we see things turn around for public schools, -if- the Texas legislature finally passes 'school choice'?

"To be honest, no" Burk told KTRH, "I think the dark is getting darker and the light is getting lighter, and they would have to have a whole entire heart change. Instead of creating thinkers and doers, they just want someone that will be a robot."

A robot for the left's radical agenda.

"The public school system, it is not failing. It is wildly successful at what they're doing" noted Burk. "They are failing our kids, but they are right on target with their agenda."

It's worth noting that Texas public schools have had nearly 800,000 students withdraw to homeschool between 1997 and 2023.

Photo: MoMo Productions / DigitalVision / Getty Images

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