Democrats have seven options on table to steal 2024 election

You can sit on one side of the fence or the other as far as the 2020 election goes. Half the country believes it was stolen, and the other half inexplicably believes Joe Biden gained the biggest popular vote ever, and legitimately won the election. Regardless of where you fall, questions no doubt still remain over some of the funny business that went on during election night.

Some voting centers just decided to stop counting at 11 pm, with other closing out Republican vote counters, which would ensure election integrity. Not to mention all the questionable mail-in ballots and curbside voting that took place. But really, it just showcased that Democrats would do anything, no matter how obscene, to win power. Now as we approach another election in 2024, they have more options on the table for stealing the election than ever.

They could use any variety of things. War in the Middle East, economic collapse, terrorist attack, another pandemic, throwing Donald Trump in jail, massive protests, or a cyber-attack. Political consultant Luke Macias says all of them are on the table, as the honeymoon over Kamala Harris' entry into the presidential race begins to fade.

"As more of her inability to lead comes to light, you will see Democrats get increasingly more desperate in their tactics to stop Trump from being the next president," he says.

Especially with the news coming out of Israel this weekend, where six hostages were found dead, war could definitely be a possibility. There is the old saying in politics, 'never let a good crisis go to waste.' That is the situation we have in the Middle East right now. That could go hand-in-hand with a terror attack possibility, the idea of instituting martial law, and throw election season into chaos.

The Biden-Harris economy though might be the biggest and most prime option on the table. Things grow worrisome by the day, as the Fed deals with sky high inflation and interest rates. But launching that missile could blow up in their face.

"If the economy collapses between now and November, Donald Trump will 100 percent be president...Americans will not trust Kamala Harris to get us out of economic decline," he says. "That one would actually benefit Trump."

A pandemic, or 'plandemic' if you will, could also be a possibility. The media is already pushing fearmongering over the 30th new variant of COVID they have concocted, plus fears over monkeypox. Shutting things down might be the only way for them to save themselves.

There is also the scenario where they do everything in their power to put Trump in a jail cell. The odds of that happening are very low, but they will surely find whatever loopholes they can to make it happen. But that missile could blow them up, too.

"If they did manage to get him in jail...he would raise probably $100 million while in there...I just do not think they have a real clear path to executing that plan," he says.

Only time will tell, and show, if they decide to use any one of the scenarios to their will. But knowing the Left, you should not be surprised if they do.

Photo: gguy44 / iStock / Getty Images

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