TikTok Is Giving China Influence Over Uninformed Voters

Photo: Getty Images North America

According to new polling, half of TikTok users under 30 are using the Chinese-owned social media app to keep up with politics and the news. This means China is now supplying news to huge numbers of potential voters.

Political analyst Matt Mackowiak told KTRH, "TikTok is a direct threat to American national security. It is a weapon that China is using to divide this country and to advance false information."

Mackowiak says this is the perfect example of how China is attempting to gain influence inside the United States. He said, "We have to wake up to the threat that China poses to America. China’s at war with us whether we're at war with them or not, and it's time we take it as seriously as it requires."

Thanks to action taken by Congress, China will have to divest from TikTok, but unfortunately, not until after the presidential election in November.

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