Democrats Claim They Have New Hope In Battle For Senate Majority

Basking in the media's 'feel good vibes' for Democrat select, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and the Democrats not only believe that they can hang on to control in the Senate. They also claim to believe that Texas is a toss up!

But most Republicans disagree, equating that the Dems will need to pitch a 'perfect game' for any of that to happen.

"That requires everything to go write for the Democrats, and everything to go wrong for the Republicans, and that's a perfect game" said Richard Manning, president of Americans for Limited Government, "And quite honestly, I haven't seen that happen very often in my life."

Turning Texas 'blue' is something that the Democrats have wanted to see happen for decades. And 2024 is no different, with Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer stating that flipping Texas is their top priority.

"Texas has been the great white whale for the Democrats" Manning told KTRH, "It has been really just wishful thinking, but it is part of their national plan, so they're going to promote it every single election."

Promote it, but not win it.

"We'd better hope they don't win Texas" noted Manning, "I don't think they will but they have made no bones that they are fighting for the soul of America on this, and if Texas falls there is no place in America that will be safe from that transformation."

There are 34 Senate seats that will be on the ballot in November.

Photo: CQ Roll Call

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