New Citizenships Skyrocket Ahead Of The Presidential Election

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According to a new report, the Biden-Harris administration has approved new citizenships at the fastest rate in the last ten years after loosening Trump's immigration policies. This could be another effort to gain more Democrat voters ahead of November.

Breitbart's Bob Price told KTRH, "This has been the goal of the Biden-Harris administration from the beginning. They want to reshape the American electorate."

Price says this might come back to bite the Democrats, though, because these new voters might decide to vote against Democrat open border policies. He said, "Generally, people who go through the legal process, incur the expense, endure the waiting time, and stand in line to become American citizens tend to resent illegal immigration."

Price says regardless of how they end up voting, these new citizens can have a huge impact on down-ballot races and in swing states.

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