Trump Can Still Win Over The "Never Trumpers"

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As we get closer to November, it's clear Trump will need every vote he can get, but some conservatives are still holding out. These "Never Trumpers" might not like Trump now, but they can be reached.

GOP Strategist Chris Johnson told KTRH, "We need to be going out there and saying, here's what we're for, here's what we're against, and make sure that's part of the discussion. People respond to that."

Johnson says there are plenty of positive aspects of Trump's personality that should be highlighted. He said, "He's a combatant, but he's funny. If you can focus on that very well... And hopefully, the debates are an opportunity to do that."

What Johnson advises Republicans to avoid is browbeating Never Trumpers. Instead, he suggests winning them over by discussing Trump's policies and the downsides of Kamala Harris.

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