Illegal Immigration Now Outpacing Birth In The U.S.

Footprint of child on birth certificate

Photo: Stockbyte

For the first time ever, more illegal aliens are entering the United States than there are children being born to American families. You can thank the immigration policies of the Biden-Harris administration for that.

While testifying before the House Oversight Committee back in January, Former Citizenship and Immigration Director Joe Edlow explained how Biden policies were making the border crisis worse. He said, "If you bring a child, you're going to be able to claim asylum, whereas you wouldn't if you didn't have a child. So it's going to encourage more illegal immigration. More families coming across."

Edlow went on to say that there is a simple way to solve this problem, starting with "expediting removal, make sure that people who are going through are getting their credible fear, but that they are detained during that process as Congress has prescribed. Move forward with that."

Edlow says we need policies that encourage people to migrate here legally, while at the same time deter the massive amounts of illegal immigration that we've seen over the last four years.

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