If you tend to hide from your partner the fact that you spent a good chunk of money on new clothes, shoes or jewelry then don't worry because you're not alone.
We all know women love to go shopping and men may enjoy playing golf on a regular basis and that means buying tee times with their friends and some new clubs on occasion. So, men and women are both guilty of spending the money on their favorite things.
It's not uncommon either that men and women when they are in a relationship will keep their receipts to themselves and not tell their partner about their most recent big bill purchase.
Jennifer Styers is a relationship expert and matchmaker based in northern Texas. She's appeared on countless radio programs across the country offering her advice and insight into what can make a relationship healthy. When it comes to this specific topic, men and women just don't want to be confronted by their partner about why they spend the money they do on the things they like.
"It's not that they're hiding it from a standpoint of trying to fool their partner or betray them in some way but they don't want to answer the questions," Styers said. "They want to be able to do something that they enjoy without getting in a fight about it."
A good relationship builder might involve a solid budget between you and your partner. Styers says this doesn't mean as a woman you can't support your man and his golf obsession or whatever sporting activity he's consumed in or as a man you won't appreciate your lady more when she comes home with new clothes, but that you'll still spend time and money in your leisure activities responsibly.
"Let's talk about how we can do this within our means where we're not going to have to sacrifice paying for something that we need to pay for," she said.
It's also important to remember what your partner values. Styers added that if a women values being pretty or a man really takes into account staying active then the other person should embrace those things too, of course, within a reasonable budget.
"Whatever people spend their money on, they probably value," said Styers. "When you look at it that way, it helps you say 'if I take this away from them or limit them, we're going to have a problem."
Financial stress is a frequent factor in the breaking of a relationship. In today's economy with inflation and rising costs, a conversation with your partner about your finances is just as important as ever.