The Democrats and the mainstream media are already trying to rewrite history, and the legacy of Joe Biden. But one fact that will be included, is that no incumbent has lost their party's nomination in modern U.S. history.
"And that shows you I think how much America has changed politically" said Hans von Spakovsky, with the Heritage Foundation.
The Democrats rigged the rules to make sure that Biden wouldn't lose in the primary, and now they're going to yank him right before the delegates were set to cast their votes, denying Democrat voters their democracy.
Then there's the issue of Joe Biden's legacy.
"I think he's gonna go down as having been one of the most defective politicians, including presidents, in American history" von Spakovsky told KTRH, "I don't think history's going to treat him very well."
Not like what we're seeing right now from the 'legacy' mainstream media, which conveniently glosses over the lies, plagiarism, and corruption.