RNC’s Embrace Of Trump Platform Signals Shift In GOP

The horrific assassination attempt aside, the RNC's embrace of Donald Trump's platform signals a major shift in the GOP.

As writer Ben Wheldon notes in 'Just The News', it's completely different from 8 years ago.

"The main thing to look at with the Republican Party's platform is that a lot of the things that Trump brought to the table in 2016, that really rankled conservative and traditional establishment feathers, have actually made it into the platform now" Wheldon said.

Basically, that means more 'MAGA', and less RINO's.

"Trump's speaking for the Republican Party, and the Republican Party is aligned with Trump, to a far greater degree than would have been the case in say prior elections, with Bush or with Romney" Wheldon told KTRH.

It's Trump-RNC unity, and it's Trump's party.

"You saw several candidates in the primaries try to do something akin to Trump-ism, without Trump" noted Wheldon, "But at the end of the day, the GOP got to where it is because of Trump coming in effectively taking over and steamrolling in a slightly unconventional agenda."

A MAGA agenda that has now finally been embraced by the RNC.

Photo: Samuel Corum / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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