Solar Execs Who Gave Millions To Biden & Dems, Are Now Swimming In Cash

As we have all learned painfully the hard way, the so called 'Inflation Reduction Act' that Democrats passed (not a single Republican voted for it) did not reduce inflation at all. In fact, we now have the largest national debt ever.

But it turns out, Joe Biden's 'Green New Deal' has turned into a really green deal for some solar execs who backed Biden and the Dems in 2020.

"First Solar has emerged as one of the big winners here" said Nick Pope, energy and climate reporter for the Daily Caller, "By some estimates they stand to reap about $10 billion dollars in these tax credits over the next ten years or so, serious money."

That's 'billion' with a b, as many of these solar execs and Biden backers are now taking in a windfall.

"All the while, the company's stock price has done very well, it's actually about doubled" Pope told KTRH, "And so that's been a big windfall to some of the company's big investors, several of which are friends of the Democratic party."

That's where it stands for now, but that will all change if Donald Trump wins the White House in November.

Photo: WPA Pool / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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