If Feds Want To Control Big Tech, Congress Should Make Them Do It Publicly

It was a great finish for conservatives at the U.S. Supreme Court, but there was one case SCOTUS did not tackle. The federal government controlling and colluding with big tech over censorship.

Jonathan Shaw, a partner with the Dhillon Law Group, and wrote in The Federalist that Congress needs to step up.

"Just because the courts have decided not to reach the issue doesn't mean that Congress shouldn't" Shaw said, "And that's basically what I wrote in the editorial."

He also came up with the idea that if the government wants to continue colluding with big tech, they need to do so publicly. Not in secret meetings like they did in 2020.

"If they're going to do it, they need to do it out in the open" Shaw told KTRH, "Everything should be written down, you can't have any secret conversations, and those writings should be published."

He adds that there is no down side to transparency, and keeping everything in the public. Freedom of speech is not negotiable, and is a fundamental right that needs to be protected.

Photo: klevo / iStock / Getty Images

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