Uncommitted Voters In Battleground States Favor Trump – But Will They Vote?

According to a left-leaning poll from the Washington Post and George Mason University, the group of non-committed voters who are disillusioned by our political system, still trust Donald Trump more than they do Joe Biden.

The big question now is, will they decide to vote?

"I think that we're going to be somewhere between the 2020 election turnout, and the 2016 election turnout" said Richard Manning, president of Americans For Limited Government, "The reason is, the mass mail voting we had due to Covid."

So, for those who decide to vote, they will have to do so in person. And with so much at stake in November, they should.

"The world's getting more complicated, the world's getting more crazy, everything's broken which forces people to get engaged and vote, and it will benefit Trump" Manning told KTRH, "The issues that people care about, Trump's leading on."

Not only is Trump leading on those issues with the uncommitted voters, according to poll, he's leading Biden by double digits.

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