The ‘Far Right’ Is Surging in Europe

Recent European Parliament elections have seen an uprising of votes for more 'far right' politics.

Right-wing parties have closed the gap between them and the parties on the left with the “far right” National Rally party doing better than expected in France as well as Germany’s AfD party gaining some noticeable ground. A mixture of older and younger voters are making the difference.

Harry J. Kazianis is the Senior Director at the Center for the National Interest. He told KTRH News that a lot of what's happening overseas is similar to the way Americans feel about their country and the way it's currently ran.

"Just like Americans, Europeans are sick and tired of policies that are very progressive and 'far left' that aren't always necessarily interested in Europeans perspectives," said Kazianis.

Similarly, European countries are dealing with an out-of-control migrant crisis. The open border policies have turned off a lot of voters in the U.S. and Europe, making people seek other candidates. Kazianis said Europe's economy isn't doing well either. Counties over there have a spending and inflation problem just like the U.S. too.

"If socialist policies that were favored in Europe since the 1950's aren't working, you're going to try something else, it's just common sense" Kazianis said.

Kazianis believes what's been happening over in Europe might possibly be a preview of what's to come in the states for November.

"Looking at the polls over the last couple of months, it's clear that things have tracked Donald Trump's way and towards candidates that are more 'MAGA-focused' in the Republican Party," he said.

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