Democrats now out to discredit Supreme Court

The now-present ideology of the Left is fairly simple. If you do not agree with them, you are not just an enemy, but you need to be silenced. It began with attacks on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh during his nomination process and has developed now to issuing hapless indictments against the front runner for the Presidency. All because they are Republican.

The newest attack from the Left on any Republican has been the investigation into justices receiving 'improper benefits,' and essentially doing their best to get Republicans off the High Court. The media is all over this 'unethical' case, preaching how it is shameful that these justices would accept any big gifts offered by donors.

Ironic, considering the leader of the party is currently under investigation for mishandling classified documents, and taking foreign money in an influence peddling scheme. Political analyst Michelle Maples says they are trying to catch these justices in a 'gotcha moment' just because they have different opinions.

"They are trying to somehow discredit them or their legal theories, probably in effort to overthrow this justice from their seat," she says.

The kicking and screaming got loud enough that all justices voluntarily released their donations recently. None of which showed really any willful wrongdoing, or 'improper behavior.'

Even funnier, an attempted Supreme Court overhaul was done recently by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Who was the first one knocking on the door, saying it was undemocratic? Our own democrat government," she says.

It has become a party of crushing enemies by any means necessary, underlined by greed and delusion. They care about nothing more than just staying in their chair of power.

"It has become a religion, and that is the only thing they live for, is to stay in power...they have no real moral compass there," she says.

All of this too as they preach against double standards, then go and set double standards themselves.

You can bet too, if the roles were revered, the Left would come unglued.

"They would be clutching their pearls, screaming about insurrection...and the DOJ would be attempting more indictments," says Maples.

She adds that the Leftist religion has lost objectivity and lack ability to admit their mistakes.

Photo: joe daniel price / Moment / Getty Images

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