Democrats border blame game set to run through November

The crisis of illegal immigration at the border has been nothing short of a catastrophe, in almost every conceivable way. For decades, illegal aliens have flowed freely across into the United States, with virtually no way to plug the broken dam. Donald Trump had a plan while he was president, which resulted in the 'Remain in Mexico' policy, that gave border patrol the right to deport illegal immigrants. Under Trump, illegal immigrant encounters dropped to under 70,000 per month.

But enter Joe Biden. On day one in office, Biden made it clear he would revoke any positive thing Trump did, and he followed through. Maybe the only campaign promise he actually succeeded in doing. He issued over 60 executive orders that resulted in what is now a wide-open border. All the while, he and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas have gaslit the public, saying the border is 'more secure than ever.'

Under Biden, around three million illegals have come into the country in just three years. He is averaging around 240,000 immigrant encounters a month. Add in his ridiculous CBP One app, and it has allowed all foreigners to live in the country unchecked. For months, Biden claimed he could do nothing more, and has blamed Republicans for the problem. Then, this week, decided he would take executive action, and now claims the crisis has been on his mind all along.

But why was nothing done sooner if he cared so much? Mark Krikorian from the Center for Immigration Studies says Democrats will play the blame game through November if it means swaying undecided, uneducated voters.

"Only now, when they get close to the election, does it occur to them they need to at least pretend to be serious about the border," he says. "Most people do not buy it, and they know that...their goal is to sway even just a few thousand people in swing states."

Recent bickering over the border has mostly centered around the twice failed 'bipartisan' Senate Border Bill. That legislation was shot down twice by a Democrat-controlled Senate. As a result, Liberals now blame Republicans for the crisis due to not passing their ridiculous bill. They keep whining to 'not politicize a crisis.'

Meanwhile, Republicans passed their own border bill last year, called HR2. However, that was shot down by Democrats because it would have all but locked down the border, and made asylum claims almost impossible. Pot, meet kettle.

Instead of pushing that bill though, Republicans have backed off it, and instead just shifted to roasting Biden for the border. Which is not ideal.

"That is where they have fallen short...we are in a messaging war, and Republicans have actual ammunition. They have shown an actual bill...and they need to make that the centerpiece of the response, rather than just saying 'Biden is terrible, get rid of him,'" he says.

But beyond just that in their message, there needs to be new ideas.

"They need to show specific things they would do proactively, rather than just complain...voters want something positive," he says.

But until Republicans finally see the gun they have in front of them, the border will remain a war on words that all of America is tired of fighting.

Photo: wildpixel / iStock / Getty Images

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