Private Parts: DHS Blocks Data on Suspected Terrorists

President Joe Biden's term has seen an explosion in suspected terrorists crossing the southern border. According to Customs and Border Protection figures, the number of people on the terror watchlist caught crossing the border has increased by more than 2,500 percent since Biden took office, compared to the full term of Donald Trump. Now, as journalists seek to inform the public about which countries these suspected terrorists are coming from, the administration is blocking them.

The Biden DHS recently rejected a FOIA (Freedom of Information) request from Fox News reporter Bill Melugin for the nationalities of those arrested at the southern border who are on the terror watchlist. "The request was denied to protect 'the privacy interests of those involved,'" says Fox News host Trace Gallagher. "So the suspected terrorists sneaking into the country for God knows what, have the right to keep their nationality confidential? Why? Why is the public being stonewalled?"

DHS wrote to Fox, "The privacy interests of the individuals in the records you have requested outweigh any minimal public interest in the disclosure of the information." So the administration, whose own Border Patrol chief admits there is a growing terrorist threat at the border, thinks there is 'minimal' public interest in knowing what countries suspected illegal alien terrorists are coming from.

"After 9-11, the national mantra was see something, say something, and Americans consistently said something," says Gallagher. "Under the Biden administration, the new mantra appears to be shut up, let us handle it. But nothing is being handled. The border is wide open."

Photo: Getty Images North America

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