President Biden set to outpace Trump with 200th judicial appointment

President Biden has hit numerous milestones during his tenure, but none of them have been remotely positive. From hurting gas prices directly, to inflation, down to his foreign policy, he has set disasterous records, and left behind a trail of borderline destruction in his wake. He has done all this solely not upset his growing party of progressive, ill-informed, nonsensical Democrats.

Now, three years into his disaster, he is approaching a new milestone. The Senate is poised in the next week to confirm the 200th federal judge that Biden has appointed. During his time in office, Donald Trump appointed 193 judges. By comparison as well, Biden's former boss Barack Obama appointed 147. As you might guess, all of these judges he has appointed fall in line with that nonsensical Democrat ideology.

Conservative attorney Michelle Maples says this problem has grown with the advancement of political posturing. Leading to the rise of this trend was getting rid of judicial fillibusters, but it goes even further.

"A home state Senator can no longer say no to a home state judicial appointee...there used to be a gatekeeping mechanism...that no longer exists...the procedural rules have changed," she says. "This allows their picks to be expedited to confirmation."

Before leaving office, Trump managed to pack the Supreme Court with Republicans, leaving Democrats without a way in there for the freseeable future. So, this is essentially their way to circumvent that, and control the system deeper to its core.

The power of the pen is a mighty thing, and this give Biden a way to keep Democrats in control of the judicial system for quite some time. Of course, on the flip side, Turmp could do the same thing if re-elected in November, and just double up on Biden's doing.

But putting party politics aside with this case, this could be a dangerous problem moving forward.

"If we contnue how we are going...we will have presidents who are able to basically control the judiciary...and without any will go at a higher speed," she says.

This is a prime example of why voting, in fact, does matter, as much as the newer generations say it means nothing. Especially when you weigh the difference between a liberal and conservative judge.

"A liberal one...they have a more expansive view of law, and take into account social implications...which is where you get these activist judges," she says. "With Conservatives, you have a strict following of the law, with no activism...and trying to keep government small," she says.

But until Trump wins, or more backstops are put back into place, Biden will strike yet another miserable milestone in his Presidency.

Photo: ericsphotography / iStock / Getty Images

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