Soft Spoken: Biden Campaign Aims To Say Less

Less than six months until Election Day, President Joe Biden is floundering, with polls showing him trailing Donald Trump in nearly every swing state, and with historically low job approval ratings. Making matters worse, the 81-year-old Biden continues to mumble and stumble through speeches and public appearances, making bizarre and often disproven claims about his life, or struggling to complete coherent sentences. So naturally, the Biden campaign's latest strategy is less of Joe is more. Biden campaign communications advisor TJ Ducklo says it's about "boiling down your message to...the most compelling arguments," which will translate to Biden speeches being "whittled down."

Less Is More is normally not a positive reflection of your candidate, but it's all Team Biden has at this point. "What they are doing right now is not campaigning, but I would call it triage," says political analyst Raven Harrison. "They are so determined to hang on to power in Washington, D.C., that they are willing to continue to parade this man around in his obviously declined condition."

Team Biden has gone out of its way to shield him from traditional media availabilities, but even that strategy has been iffy at best, with Biden struggling through recent friendly interviews with Howard Stern and CNN. Harrison points out that Biden's handlers are even literally trying to hide him. "They now shield him from reporters as he's walking to cover his inability to walk straight," she tells KTRH. "Then they make excuse after excuse for his inability to remember things, his telling of wild stories."

"What a dark stain on America, to have a man (in the White House) who is obviously mentally impaired, cannot walk across the stage, cannot speak clearly," Harrison continues. "He needs to be retired, but instead they are parading this man out like a bad version of Weekend at Bernie's."

Photo: AFP

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