Abbott Calls Biden Border Move 'Feckless'

Photo: Brandon Bell / Getty Images News / Getty Images

Joe Biden’s deputies are tweaking the asylum rules to trim their release of additional criminal migrants into the United States before the 2024 election. Texas Governor Greg Abbott is not impressed.

The proposed rule change is getting good headlines for the administration — and is being used by Biden’s campaign team to aid his very low polls. Axios gave the White House’s narrative: “It is one of several actions being weighed by President Biden to clamp down on illegal border crossings ahead of the election, as Biden and Democrats try to go on offense on one of their most vulnerable issues.”

In a statement, Abbott said, "President Biden inherited the most secure border with the lowest illegal immigration since last century. With the stroke of a pen, he proudly ended those secure border policies and opened the border to more than 11 million illegal immigrants from more than 150 different countries—including known terrorists, murderers, and rapists. Now, desperately grasping to salvage his failed presidency, President Biden attempts the most minimal action possible, hoping to mask the crisis he created.

To be clear, President Biden’s feckless proposals, which he could have done years ago, do nothing to slow the record-breaking illegal immigration. Most notably, President Biden sidesteps actually enforcing the laws already enacted by Congress. President Biden is not just authorized—he is required—to deny illegal entry, detain illegal immigrants, and build border barriers.

Maybe worse, President Biden attacks Texas for simply doing what Congress compelled him to do. Texas is building a border wall, installing hundreds of miles of razor wire and buoy barriers, and deploying thousands of Texas National Guard soldiers and Department of Public Safety troopers. Our efforts have led to a substantial decline in illegal immigration into Texas while it remains on the rise in other border states. Operation Lone Star is working, and President Biden would do well to follow our lead, or get out of the way.”

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