Hard at Play: Fewer American Men Working

The American workforce has undergone dramatic changes over the past several decades, most notably the increase in the number of women working outside the home. But equally notable is the decline in the number of men going to work. A recent analysis finds the share of prime-age men (25-54) in the U.S. with a job has dropped from 96% to 86% since the 1950s.

The report cites multiple factors for the falling share of working men, including recessions, disabilities, and societal changes like the rise in stay-at-home dads. But the numbers also may demonstrate the overall decline in the American work ethic. Fox News Host Jesse Watters recently spoke about this phenomenon, in light of President Joe Biden's forgiveness of billions in student loans. Watters told the story of Joel, a 49-year-old musician who refused to get a job to help pay off his $250,000 student loans, and eventually had them forgiven by Biden's plan. "Joel told Business Insider the news didn't really make him jump for joy, he's just glad he can start investing in his long-term goals, like taking an Indian meditation sabbatical to study with his teacher," said Watters.

Talk show host Dana Loesch told Watters that Joel is an example of that dying American work ethic. "Joel needs to get a job," she said. "I mean, 49 years old and you're still trying to make it as a musician. Maybe grow up, man up, and get a real job, so you can support somebody else, besides your Mountain Dew, Livewire, Cheetos-eating, fiddle-playing habit."

Loesch was also stunned at Joel's declaration that he didn't want to abandon his music to get another job. "I didn't want to actually get up to go to work this morning, but guess what, I'm a grown woman, I had bills to pay, I had to get up and go to work," she told Watters. "That's what adults do, that's what responsible citizens who understand duty do."

Photo: Getty Images

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