Swing Voters Deliver Harsh Verdict On The Biden Presidency

A new in-depth poll conducted by the Daily Signal, resulted in key swing voters in six key swing states, overwhelmingly giving an 'F' to the Biden administration.

"What we found was, that on a number of issues the Biden administration is not performing well among this key group of voters" said Rob Bluey, executive editor with The Daily Signal, "They get failing marks."

That key group included Hispanic men, young people, and even suburban women.

"We asked swing voters in these six states to basically give a grade to the Biden administration, and Joe Biden himself" Bluey told KTRH, "And 65% of them gave him an 'F'."

The top two issues that the voters had issues with are the border, and inflation.

"When we talked to these people in focus groups, one of things that we consistently heard over and over again was how difficult it was for them to afford gas, groceries, and rent" noted Bluey.

Echelon Insights conducted the survey for The Heritage Foundation in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

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Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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