CDC Meddling in Self Defense Statistics

After a meeting with private gun control advocates, the CDC has removed statistics on the use of guns in self-defense. Now, 2nd Amendment-loving Americans are growing more concerned about how the CDC is expanding its influence, particularly in the world of firearms.

Conservative Attorney Michelle Maples told KTRH that this is to be expected. She said, "Any government agency is going to want to swim outside their lane because it gives them power. If they get more power, they get more funding. So follow the money."

She also pointed out that any CDC involvement on the issue of gun violence is just part of the ridiculous narrative that guns are, in and of themselves, harmful, like a virus. She emphasizes that a gun, like any other weapon or tool, can only be a threat when a person chooses to use it for violence.

Maples says that situations like this one are a classic example of why it's important to always keep an eye on the shenanigans going on in Washington, DC, and not to take statistics at face value, even if they come from the government.

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