Montgomery County Adopts Citizen-Led Library Book Review Policy

You probably didn't hear anything about it, but very quietly Montgomery County has implemented a citizen led public library book review policy.

Basically, due to the radical agenda from the left, the old policy that was in place needed an upgrade.

"We kept finding books that were in the wrong age appropriate section" said Montgomery County Judge, Mark Keough, "Books that have to do with transitioning from being a male to a female, this kind of stuff. Totally inappropriate."
Now, a 10 member committee of 5 librarians, and 5 citizens, determine what books are age appropriate, and what books are not.

"I believe it is a balanced, realistic common sense approach" Judge Keough told KTRH, "And in Montgomery County it's our commission to protect our kids, and we're going to do it."

Commissioners voted 3-1 in favor of the new policy.

"The object here is not to get rid of books, and it's not to throw books out" noted Judge Henry, "But we want them to be put in the correct place to protect our children."

The new Montgomery County book review policy went into effect last month.

Photo: Dougal Waters / Stone / Getty Images

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