Biden Getting His Revenge Against Texas and Florida

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Both Florida and Texas have sent buses filled with illegal immigrants to deep blue areas, and now Joe Biden is getting his revenge with flights importing more illegals into the country. Ninety percent of these secret flights carrying immigrants from their home countries to the United States land either right here in Texas or in Florida.

Texas and Florida have both been sharp critics of Joe Biden's radical border policies, and you'd have a hard time arguing that any state has done more to stop the immigration crisis than Texas. Clearly, Joe Biden won't let those good deeds go unpunished.

Breitbart's Bob Price told KTRH, "How typical is this of Joe Biden? To do this kind of thing, to retaliate against two states that have been doing the job that he's supposed to be doing." Price says flying unvetted illegal aliens directly into the country likely isn't even legal, but that's never really stopped Biden before.

The worst part? These illegals aren't being traced or tracked at all. There are no security measures in place. Many of them end up in our schools, hospitals, and even prisons, adding even more strain on our public resources.

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