A New Study Finds That New GOP Senators Are More Conservative Than RINO's

It shouldn't come as a surprise, but a new study conducted by the CPAC Foundation found that new GOP Senators are more conservative than their predecessors.

"In the Senate, we have a lot of new members that are coming in that are more conservative than their predecessors" said Thomas Bradbury, CPAC's Director of Policy and Advocacy, "JD Vance gets a 95% with us, he replaced Rob Portman who only got a 61% the year before."

But even with the addition of the new 'MAGA' members in the U.S. Senate, not much is going to change as long as the RINO's are still running the show.

"Despite all of these new conservative members of the Senate taking over now that Mitch McConnell is going to step away" Bradbury told KTRH, "It doesn't look like he's going to get replaced by anyone conservative."

Unfortunately, Texas Senator John Cornyn who frequently votes with the Democrats, is one of the favorites to replace Mitch McConnell.

"John Cornyn, he started off as a very conservative member, and then his record has gone downhill in recent years" noted Bradbury, "He goes along with most of the big spending packages."

The study found that at the end of the day, Democrats voted with fellow Democrats 98% of the time on average, compared to Republicans who only vote together around 80% of the time.

Bradbury, along with all other true Republicans, are hoping for some more MAGA wins in November.

Photo: Kevin Dietsch / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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