Are The People In Charge Trying To Destroy America Or Just Incompetent?

With all of the corruption coming from our political leaders in Washington, many are now asking a key question.

Are the people in charge trying to destroy America or are they just incompetent?

"And I hear a lot of people ask that question" said John Hawkins, owner of, "They see all the destructive things that are happening in our country and they just wonder, hey is this incompetence? Or are they trying to do this deliberately?"

At the end of the day, it's probably a little bit of both.

"I would say neither" Hawkins told KTRH, "I would say that unfortunately, we have set up a system in our country that encourages people to do destructive things, to do things that are bad for the country."

It's what we now refer to as the 'D.C. Swamp', something he says that we the people are going to have to drain ourselves, starting this November.

Photo: Mark Makela / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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