Conservative Right Wing Websites Are Sagging, Even During An Election Year

We know how much you listen to News Radio 740 KTRH, but how much time do you spend -looking- for news online? Apparently, not as much as you did four years ago.

According to the latest data, traffic on conservative websites is down to start the year.

"Almost every right-wing website was down more than 50%" said Howard Polskin, who writes about the numbers at The Righting, "In other words, they lost half of their audience, and some lost much, much more."

So why is that? Even during an election year? Some experts believe there are multiple reasons.

"I think what you're seeing with conservative media is in-action" said Curtis Houck, managing editor with the Media Research Center, "Because unless you're a die hard political junkie, you're not going to be clicking on and pulling up specific websites."

Add to that, the fact the social media platforms like Meta are pulling a lot of political content that would normally garner clicks, and the fact that a lot people are just burned out.

"Either exhaustion, slash lack of enthusiasm, and censorship" Houck told KTRH, "Despite the fact that it's a presidential election year, because people on both sides have such an apocalyptic feeling about this year and just our political era that we're living in."

In case you're wondering, CNN believe it or not is the #1 news website, although that's a little misleading because they share their content with numerous other websites to pad their numbers. FOX News is #2, followed by the New York Times.

The conservative site with the biggest increase in traffic, has been Newsmax.

"Newsmax is the star" Polskin told KTRH, "Of all the right-wing websites, they're the only one with an audience increase, and that was over 30%. They're a right-wing news outlet to keep an eye on."

Both said they expect more eyes to view conservative websites as we get closer to the election.

Photo: Jaap Arriens / iStock / Getty Images

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