Allowing Independents to Vote in Primaries is Has Consequences

Photo: Bloomberg Creative Photos

Independent voters are becoming one of America's largest voting blocs, so what role, if any, should they play in the primary season? Many states, including Texas, have open primaries, which allows those not registered with a party to vote in party elections.

Political consultant Luke Macias told KTRH that Democrats can and do take advantage of this. He says, 'If they're allowed to select what kind of Republican represents the Republican party... They're going to choose the one that is the least Republican.'

He says this is already happening in Texas, citing examples of Beto O'Rourke supporters voting in Republican races for the more liberal of the two candidates. One can only wonder how closely our open primary system relates to the issue of the Republican-led Texas House failing to pass Republican priorities.

Macias says that as much as Republicans may want to welcome independent voters into the party and include them, the only way to protect our primaries from Democratic influence is to close the primaries to undeclared voters.

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