Trump, Biden to Visit Border in Texas Thursday

Photo: NICHOLAS KAMM / AFP / Getty Images

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to visit the border crisis in Eagle Pass on Thursday afternoon, the same day that President Joe Biden visits the border in Brownsville.

Trump will be in Eagle Pass on Thursday, the city where Texas stood up to the Biden Administration, taking control of Shelby Park. That move led to a massive drop in the number if illegal aliens coming in to Texas. In fact, that move has led would be illegal aliens to stay away from Texas. As a result, arrests are up in California and Arizona.

Biden will visit border patrol agents in Brownsville. He will also call for 'bipartisan' border legislation, again.

This is Biden's second visit - ever - to the border.

In January of last year, Biden went to El Paso to see the crisis first hand. But, officials there moved many of the illegals that had crossed over, far away from where the President was. So, in essence, he saw a sanitized version of the crisis.

The visit comes as reports say Biden is going to announce executive action at the border, either during the State of the Union address on March 7th, or shortly before it.

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