No Shock Here – Economic Growth Is Happening Mainly In Red States

A new report from ABC News found that almost all of the strong economic growth in the U.S. is happening in red states. That really isn't a surprise. What is a surprise? Is how ABC News opted to spin it!

"The funniest thing is, they have to find some explanation for why red states are doing well" said David Strom, associate editor of Hot Air, "And they came up with two. Good weather, and Democrat mayors."

You can't make it up. Democrat mayors, because there is no way the mainstream media is going to give any credit to red state Republicans, and GOP policies.

"This clearly, really bothers political commentators who want to give all the credit to Joe Biden" Strom told KTRH, "Whereas what it shows is, what they're doing in these red states is working."

Texas of course came out on top at #1. So using the ABC News model, the booming economy in Texas is due to all of the Democrats in Austin.

"As you know, Austin is about as blue as any city can be, and obviously all of Texas' economic growth comes down to the great leadership that you get in Austin" Strom said sarcastically.

The reality is, Republican and red state success does not fit the narrative of the left, and the mainstream media.

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