Can You Believe The Supersized Superintendent Salaries In Texas?

Even though Texas reading and math scores remain low, the pay for educators remains high. A new report put put by the Texas Public Policy Foundation shows supersized salaries for superintendents, even here in Houston.

"According to the Texas Education agency, for the 2022-23 school year, the superintendent of HISD was paid $350,000 in base pay " said Amy Sasser with the Innovative Teachers of Texas.

These education elites continue to rake in tax dollars, even though they aren't delivering results.

"HISD had to be taken over last year" Sasser told KTRH, "Something somewhere in the system is broken, and you can throw more money at the wall all day, but if the leadership is ineffective the money doesn't matter."

What does matter? According to the study, only 50% of Austin ISD students can read, write, and do math at or above grade level. That's a problem.

Sasser says the entire ISD system needs an overhaul, but that it will take many years.

Photo: andresr / E+ / Getty Images

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