Biden's Successful Fundraising Doesn't Guarantee Him Victory

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Joe Biden has had no trouble raising buckets of cash, but history tells us that doesn't guarantee him victory. Both Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton had more money than Donald Trump during their respective races against him back in 2016, and as we know, they both lost.

Political consultant Luke Macias told KTRH, the key benefit to fundraising is the ability to spread your message and get your name out to voters, but in a high-profile presidential race between two well-known candidates, that becomes less of a factor.

"For people like Trump, who are so well known and have such a large platform, money matters even less."

Macias says instead of spending his money winning over voters, Biden is likely to spend his money block-walking in states with universal mail-in voting.

"They're going to go take a bunch of voters who are very ill-informed and left-leaning and basically try to harvest enough votes to walk their victory to the ballot box."

Macias believes that if Trump can get his loyal supporters out to vote, he will win in a landslide.

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