Why Are House Republicans Helping Democrats Grow The Welfare State?

Even when some things change in Washington, the more they stay the same. In case you missed it, House Republicans passed a $78 billion dollar 'bipartisan' tax bill that will expand the child tax credit, but most of all, it's going to expand the welfare state.

"Over 90% of the benefits go to people who do not have income tax liability" said Chris Jacobs, CEO of the Juniper Research Group, "It is a straight government, straight cash money, that the government is sending people checks. You're dis-incentivizing people from working."

The bill will -temporarily- restore some business tax benefits, but the biggest boost will go to people not actively involved in the work force.

"This is the uniparty at work" Jacobs told KTRH, "And these subsidies will not only increase spending, they will also decrease work, and they disincentivize work."

The bottom line is, it will lead more people to government rolls, rather than to payrolls.

Photo: Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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