Donald Trump Wins New Hampshire Primary; Analysts Say Race is Over

The New Hampshire Republican primary has been called, with Donald Trump being projected as the winner. This follows up his massive win in Iowa two weeks ago.

Trump defeated former South Carolina Governor and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley by double digits. The race was called just moments after the polls closed.

Meanwhile, Haley vowing this evening to stay in the race, and told her supporters this is 'a marathon, not a sprint.' That comes after reporters asked Trump today if Haley should drop out if she loses tonight, to which Trump said, 'she can do what she wants.'

RNC Committeeman Robin Armstrong told KTRH New Hampshire offered no surprises.

"It's what I expected," Armstrong said. "I believe Trump has won this nomination. No Republican candidate has ever won Iowa and New Hampshire and not gotten the nomination."

Nevada is up next, on February 8th, followed by the South Carolina primary is February 24th.

Photo: AFP

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