It Won't Be A Recession - It Will Just Feel Like One

It's 2024 and the economy is still bad. But the mainstream media has come up with a new narrative, just in time for the election.

In a recent story that ran in the WSJ, the headline said 'It Won't Be A Recession, It Will Just Feel Like One'.

"My goodness, this is frankly just pathetic" said EJ Antoni, economist with the Heritage Foundation, "I think this is just a case of these so-called economists providing political cover for the folks in Washington, who are writing the grants that provide them their jobs."

And what about a recession at some point this year?

"We already had a recession in the first half of 2022, when we had two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth" Antoni told KTRH, "It certainly looks like we are heading towards another recession, but a lot of that depends on what exactly the Federal Reserve does. They're in a position right now where there's a lot of political pressure for them to create more money."

More money, and more debt. Just in time for the election.

Photo: ZargonDesign / E+ / Getty Images

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