Trump Goes Town Hall While The GOP Debates

Tonight in Iowa and on your tv, CNN will host an unofficial 5th GOP, while FOX will counter with another Town Hall with former president Donald Trump.

"Donald Trump knows television, he knows the media probably better than any political candidate or president in history" said FOX News media critic, Joe Concha, "We know this because he understands counter programming. He knows if he's on FOX at the same time as DeSantis and Haley, that will take away at least half that audience."

And as Concha noted, it will be a one on one match-up between Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. According to the CNN criteria, Vivek Ramaswamy and Chris Christie did not qualify.

"Great move by Trump, DeSantis and Haley obviously have their work cut out for them" Concha told KTRH, "How do you move forward in a race where half the questions asked of you during interviews or at debates, are about your opponent in Donald Trump? This will be very difficult for them."

The Trump Town Hall on FOX is tonight at 8pm.

Photo: Alex Wong / Getty Images News / Getty Images

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